Discover How To Scientifically Optimize A Successful Retirement

Dennis Lynch

Dennis Lynch grew up in a small town outside of Philadelphia, the youngest of six children. Sports was a huge part of his childhood for his family and most of the families in his area. He had a normal, happy childhood. The friends he made are still close to this day and get together often, nearly 45 years later.

He is a proud stepfather and “Pop Pop” to his grandson. It is important for him to take care of his family and know that he can be counted on. He prides himself on being true to his word. He has also won several awards for achievements as an Insurance Agent. In his spare time, he “can sit on the beach with the best of them”, spending a full day under his umbrella. He’s an avid skier. Although he skies mostly on snow, he water skis often as well.

Dennis is active in his church, serving on a number of different committees. Through his church, he has been on countless mission trips, helping those affected by disasters such as Hurricane Katrina. He also contributes to local homeless and Alzheimer organizations.

He currently resides in Havertown, Pennsylvania.


Say goodbye to the worn-out advice that has you on a financial roller coaster. Contrary to what the Wall Street media machine promotes, you don't have to risk losing your hard-earned money to grow wealthy. There is a simple and clear plan to grow wealth with peace of mind. This book will give you the blueprint of how to do it.

Here's What You'll Learn From This Amazing Book:
  • Create Retirement Income You Can Count On: When will you run out of money in retirement? Most people have no idea. Learn how to create cash flow to last the rest of your life.
  • How you can use the same growth strategies of the ultra wealthy?
  • Why the world's first Billionaire John D. Rockefeller said, "If I had to give any advice, it would be to keep out of Wall Street."
  • Know the Truth about 401(k) taxes and fees that could end up costing you tens of thousands.
  • Financial Gurus Exposed: Does Suze Orman practice what she preaches? Does "Mad Money" Cramer's advice work?
  • How to "Finance Yourself To Wealth" and reduce or eliminate interest paid to banks and credit card companies.
  • Grow Your Money: How to get potential double-digit growth on your money during good years, but never lose a dime in the stock market when it crashes.
  • Don't Trust Washington Politicians to Lower Taxes: Take control of your tax liability by putting yourself into a Zero Percent Tax Bracket in retirement.
  • Protect Your Money: Never lose money again during market crashes or corrections due to economic recessions or catastrophes.
  • Outpace Inflation: Bank accounts and CDs aren't even keeping up with inflation. Learn strategies to safely grow your money at a rate that outpaces inflation so you aren't losing buying power.
  • Alternative to 401(k)s and IRAs: Maintain control and access to your money throughout your life without all the red tape of government qualified plans.

“Successful retirement is defined as a stream of income sufficient to sustain your chosen standard of living.

That standard of living is measured by income not the value of a pile of money.”

The Lump Sum Illusion

"What we need to be focused on is creating an INCOME not just a lump sum."

“There’s a big difference between wealth and income.

Knowing I have a million dollars doesn’t tell me the lifestyle I can enjoy from that million. What we care about is the lifestyle.

So you can forget fund values, income is all that matters. Just knowing how much money you have doesn’t tell you how you can live. You need to know how much you can buy.

The primary concern of the saver remains, what it always has been: Will I have sufficient income in retirement to live comfortably?”

— Robert C. Merton

6 Retirement Risks

Protection Risk

An untimely death or accident can create additional stress and financial pressure on our closest loved ones if we don't plan ahead.

Market Risk

A single 20% or 30% market crash can not only hurt your account balances, but it can cause you to run out of money years sooner.

Tax Risk

CPA and Tax Expert Ed Slott says “Taxes are a larger risk than market crashes.” If you have all your retirement income in qualified plans like IRAs and 401(k)s that require you to pay taxes when you take the money out, you have a huge tax liability.


Statistics show that long term health care costs can be the largest expense in retirement. What have you done to protect your nest egg and your family from being hammered by this expense?


Will your nest egg provide enough income to give you the retirement you want, for as long as you live? Most people have no idea.


Longevity is the great RISK MULTIPLIER. Do you know how long you will live? Hopefully a long prosperous life. Longer life spans multiply the likelihood of each of these risks happening to you.